SaltyCrax Backpackers

Preparing for your South African holiday

To start your relaxing holiday; it is essential to prepare yourself properly.

Here are a few tips we have compiled;


Booking your flight

It is no secret that the ticket price for flights depends on many different factors. The earlier you book your flight, the cheaper it is. If you plan to fly during the holiday season, you cannot book your flight soon enough; this is when airline tickets are usually the most expensive. 

If you book your flight before 8.30 a.m, you will avoid price adjustments that airlines make during the day.

Use websites like Skyscanner or traveltrolley to find your deals and these scan all flights on the desired date and shows you the cheapest ones.



If you don’t stay longer than three months, you won’t need a Visa. The only condition are that your passport is valid for at least 30 days after the planned departure date, contains at least two free pages and is from a pre-approved country. 


Please note that you will have to present an official return ticket, even if you are rarely asked to do so, it is advisable to have a copy of your ticket with you. We also advise carrying an account statement with a minimum balance of EUR 3,000; this proves that you have enough money to live on during your time in South Africa.

Find out more on pre-approved countries here



Those who fly directly from Europe to South Africa do not have to prove vaccinations according to current regulations.

Find out more here


Health Insurance

Foreign health insurance covers the costs of physical illnesses, operations, necessary medication or the medically necessary return transport to the home country. Make sure that you have supplemental insurance that is valid from your first day in South Africa and covers you until your last day. If you need more information, you can contact your current health insurance company, and they will advise you.